Posted on: Thursday, September 16, 2010
Posted at: 2:47:00 am

I want to take a break from blogging. Mainly because, I hardly have the time to type out a proper and meaningful blog entry with the amount of stuff I have to do. I have kinda been on an informal hiatus since I hardly update my blog anyway. So at least for now, don't expect any updates from me. I don't know when I will come back to blogging - if I ever. But if you really really want to know about what I've been up to, I'll still be active on Facebook and Twitter. So add me or follow me! (:

So till then... ANYEONG! ^^

Posted on: Friday, September 10, 2010
Posted at: 2:23:00 am
OMG it's been eons since I last updated! I don't have much time to update now, but just a quickie to keep my blog alive!

School has been tiring. So much stuff to do and assignments and mid-term tests are slowly coming. And it doesn't help that I'm busy with Malay Dance practices, seeing that our production is in less than a month away and there's still so much left to do :/ I can't wait for recess week!

I can't wait for Korean Pop Night Concert 2010!!! I queued for 10 freaking hours but it was worth it cos I got my Cat 2 tix!! ^^ Big Bang, SHINee, FT Island on one stage!! How awesome is that!!!!

What else to update on? Hmmmmmmm....... I can't think of anything else! Hah! I guess nothing much happened to me after all. LOL.

Actually, I kinda feel like just deleting my blog cos I don't have much time to update it, or can't be bothered or simply forget about it. Hmmm. What do you think? But when I do feel like it, updating my blog can be so much fun.

ANYWAYS, SELAMAT HARI RAYA to everyone! Maaf zahir dan batin yawww~~ ^^